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Mining in Tandem with Conservation

Base Titanium's Kwale Mine is Kenya's largest mining operation. It accounts for nearly 60% of Kenya's mineral output, is the largest exporter by tonnage through the Port of

Mombasa and has been recognised by Vision 2030 as the country's flagship mining project

due to the transformative impact it is having on the Kenyan mining sector.

Base Titanium is committed to undertaking its activities in a way that minimises impacts on the environment and maximises opportunities for positive environmental outcomes. Their commitment is to prevent pollution and minimise their impacts on the environment, while contributing to protecting and conserving biodiversity and driving environmentally responsible behaviour Internally and in nearby communities.

Processing operations at the Kwale Mine exploits physical characteristics to concentrate

and then separate the minerals. This ensures no chemicals are used, greatly minimising environmental impacts.

Base Titanium believes that good environmental performance contributes to business success. Employees are empowered to work in an environmentally responsible manner and are encouraged to take personal responsibility in this regard. Base Titanium works with host

communities, environmental authorities, conservation organisations and environmental

experts to realise their objectives of sustaining and improving the regions rich biodiversity.

To capitalise on environmental opportunities a suite of environmental programmes are aimed at delivering positive and sustainable environmental outcomes. The mining company has established an indigenous tree nursery to identify, research, propagate species of conservation interest to be used in the rehabilitation and restoration of areas in the mine site. It is believed that the Kwale Mine's nursery is the largest of its kind in East Africa. Over 85,000 trees, representing 275 different species have been successfully propagated in Base Titanium's nursery.

In an effort to improve biodiversity Base Titanium has established a biodiversity corridor that bridges several remnant patches of indigenous forest in the mine site to the Gongoni Forest Reserve. Close to 50,000 indigenous trees grown in the nursery have been planted in this biodiversity corridor, including more than 1,400 of the Critically Endangered which Gigasiphonmacrosiphon is included in the list of the world's 100 most threatened animal, plant and fungi species.

Over 85,000 trees, representing 275 different species have been successfully propagated in Base Titanium's indigenous tree nursery

Base Titanium also donates indigenous trees for planting at various community infrastructure projects delivered through its Community Programmes. They also actively support the management of coastal forest patches and a variety of conservation initiatives by donating trees to planting programmes in the region.

Another initiative is Base Titanium's Wetland Restoration Programme. An ephemeral wetland that was dry for a number of years prior to the commencement of operations has been successfully restored. The Kwale Mine's infrastructure was specifically designed to avoid encroachment into the wetland area. Drainage from the residual sand storage facility is directed to flow into the wetland to assist rejuvenation; indigenous sedges and other aquatic vegetation have been planted.

The wetland now provides an ideal habitat for both plant and animal species. Amphibian and reptile monitoring has found that the wetland now supports populations of the Endangered Shimba Hills Reed Frog Hyperoliusrubrovermiculatus and other fauna and floral species.


Founded on this principle Base Titanium has established a Waste Recycling Programme. Staff are actively encourage to reduce waste and reuse materials.

For example the mine buys better quality seedling bags for their nursery which can be reused many times over. Recyclable materials that are no longer required for the operations are repurposed. Base Titanium's recycling team, which includes carpenters from the

nearby communities, make furniture and beehives out of recycled wood which are donated to community projects. For more information on Base Titanium and their environment programmes go to.

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